Happy January 1st!
Today is both the Feast of the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and also
the 50th World Day of Peace, first celebrated by Blessed Pope Paul VI in 1967.
Pope Francis reminds
us that while we live in a broken world, "violence is not the cure for our
broken world… " but that we still have peace and mercy as options
available to us. And as the song states, it must start with us, it must start
at home.

During the homily at
mass tonight, the Monsignor connected peace to the celebration and reflection
of Mary's role in the birth of Christ. In reviewing the Hail Mary, the priest
pointed out the phrase "blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb Jesus". He pointed out that not only does the phrase encompass
Mary's holiness but also her peace. While I had never heard of this
interpretation, the priest went on to discuss how Mary is a vessel of peace,
bringing into the world the ultimate Prince of Peace. During the Gospel reading, the shepherds
relay to Mary what the angels have told them about her Son. The scriptures
state that Mary "kept all these things, reflecting on them in her
heart." She reacted peacefully, taking in what was told to her to heart
and reflecting to understand the meaning. Her peaceful reaction should be a
model for all of us, a way to take in what we hear and what we see and reflect
on what God is saying to us or teaching us in the moment. Blessed is She presented a beautiful devotion today on the importance of reflective listening, and slowing down to hear wheat God is saying to us. Listening to God's words to our hearts will allow us to develop inner peace, furthermore allowing us to project that peace out into the world.
For we must remember what St. Teresa of Calcutta told us, "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other."
For we must remember what St. Teresa of Calcutta told us, "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other."