Monday, February 2, 2015

For the love of a watch

In college I was never a big watch person. I figured, I have my phone, I'll just check the time on that. A nice watch seemed too "adult". Real people with real jobs have nice watches! Well fast forward to a year after college and oh hey! I'm a real person with a real job! I decided I wanted to invest in a classic time piece. I spent time doing my research, finding a look I liked, figuring out a price point and keeping up with sale sites like Rue La La for any deals.

I finally invested in a beautiful Michael Kors Tortoise Shell and Gold Watch as my "back-to-school" gift to myself. I finally got it sized (after having it for four months....) and it has never left my wrist!  Unless I am at the gym, sleeping or in the shower, it goes with every outfit and makes me feel just a little more dressed up. I never thought I would spend a lot of money on something like that, but discovered that something I wear as much as a watch needs to be good quality, so I am willing to invest a little more.

Does anyone have a statement piece of their wardrobe that they bought as an investment?

Sunday, February 1, 2015

It's burning in my soul

I've been trying to feed my spiritual life more lately.
The closet church to where I live is the Basilica for our Archdiocese, so I tend to walk there on Sunday mornings for an early mass. The walk there is not that interesting, so I try to listen to music.

For the past few weeks, the first song I instinctively played as I start walking is "Burning in my Soul"by Matt Maher. Now. I. Love. Matt. Maher. (but more on that later)
The song leaves me with a desire for more, to have a passion reignited in my soul for Christ and His Church. I love listening to this song on my way to Mass, because it almost "pumps me up" for Mass, gets me excited to spend time in the celebration, gets me ready to "hear the sound from heaven, a mighty rushing wind" through the Word and to be nourished by His Body.

I love this song because it reminds me of the beginning of this year, when I started to thirst more for a deeper relationship with our Lord

I got to see Matt Maher perform in October at a music festival called Abbey Fest at the Daylesford Abbey in Paoli, Pa. 
He played as adoration began, in a field under the stars and I full on lost it.
I have always loved spending time in adoration and God has led me to some powerful experiences in adoration but I guess this time felt a little different.

I think I had been starving myself spiritually. I was so preoccupied with everything else going on in my life that I was not nourishing my soul. In that moment when Adoration began, I fully submitted to God. I didn't know what to say, to think, to pray for, so I just tried to be present in the moment of adoring a loving God.

The song has a line that says "we are calling for revival, God let your fire fall again, " and while that could be looked on as a greater metaphor for our generation calling for revival, I also take it as a personal call for me. A cry for something deeper and something more. I want my desire for Christ to be "burning in my soul" but that doesn't happen if I don't nourish and feed the soul where my desire needs to grow from. I too often want the big revelation without taking the small steps to work towards a meaningful relationship with God, and I know that I need to recommit to those small steps now in preparation for something more.

Room Inspiration

My room has a lot of blank wall space (cue Taylor Swift) that I have been trying to figure out how to decorate.  I have pictures, posters and some cute signs up, but couldn't figure out what to hang on the wall behind my bed. I was going through my closet last night (took all the clothes out....only to put all the clothes back in) and was going through my scarfs. 

I have a beautiful scarf that I bought in Barcelona that I never wear because the ends keep fraying and getting caught in jacket zippers. I was looking at it and thinking how much I love the colors and how it was such a big scarf and it hit me! I was the perfect thing to hang behind my bed and make a statement. My bedding is white and gray, as is my accent lamp, and my pillows are turquoise and coral. I was so excited and #impressed by my burst of "creativity". I think all that time looking a Pinterest has finally paid off!